Meet  "Scoot"  painter for the Los Angeles famous and elite but more importantly our beloved dad & grandpa. Scoot’s work was  featured in design magazines and news articles for his ability to paint unique color combinations of which he had a distinct talent for creating and matching paint by sight.  This would prove to be an exact color match for his discerning clientele. Today this color-matching process is done by machine but during the mid 50’s through the 80’s  Scoot was one of very few that had this gifted eye therefore able to create an unmatched niche among his contemporaries. With his impeccable taste and creative ability, he'd eloquently pen songs and poetry, cook chef-quality meals, and create his own delicious coffee and spice blends and herbal concoctions. 
We are proud beneficiaries of his legacy. It is only appropriate to name our brand of coffee & goods after a man that truly embodied an articulate expression of quality and good taste. 

Legendary from the grounds up…